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Everything You Need to Know About Custom Neon Signs for Business and Home

Today, designers recognize neon signs as a significant attribute of contemporary art. And that's for justice! There is hardly a solution that can compare with this element in anything, including color, vibrancy, atmosphere, and the ability to emphasize the individuality and style of your facade or room. Custom neon signs have proved themselves both as a festive accessory and an everyday addition to the design. Businessmen see it as a way to increase the awareness and prestige of their own brand or enterprise.
We think it would be interesting for you to learn more about the arrangements and the benefits of neon signs. Would you also like to know the reasons for choosing such a solution for your home and business? OK, let's get it started!

What is a сustom neon sign?

You have probably seen neon signs that illuminate the facades of buildings. Today, they have become welcome guests in our homes and apartments. Bright, alluring, intriguing, and incredibly beautiful, they have a tremendous impact on our emotions and arouse lively interest.
Technically, custom neon signs are cases made of durable glass in one shape or another (letters are the most popular here), inside which thin glass tubes filled with inert gases like neon or argon keep running. At both ends of the tubes, there are tiny electrodes connected to a high-frequency transformer. When the current passes through the tubes, the gas, influenced by electricity, gives a saturated and slightly diffused light. It is more intense and vibrant than that of a conventional lamp backlight and attracts attention instantly. This is very good for business: passers-by are more likely to see your facility or find it, even if it is surrounded by other signage.

How neon signs are made

Above, we briefly mentioned the working principles of custom neon signs, but we think that it will be engaging for you to learn more about them.
As you have already understood, manufacturers use transparent glass for tubes where gas is located, flashing with bright light under the influence of electricity. In this case, the color of the glow can be different and depends on the gas in the tubes. For example, neon gives a red color, while argon emits a blue color. If there is a need for other shades, fluorescent powders are used to cover glass tubes. The palette of such coatings can include up to 80 colors or more.
A technique similar to the glass-blowing process was chosen in order to give the glass tubes the necessary curved shape. The masters study the template and mark the places of future bends on the element. Then they heat each point on a ribbon burner with propane flamed at a temperature of 1200° F. When the glass becomes soft (it usually takes about 30 seconds or a bit more), the master bends the tube gently, blows air inside to restore the diameter, and then cuts off excess elements and powder residues.
The next stage is the attaching of the electrodes. A propane hand torch and a crossfire burner can cope with this. If there is argon in the tube, you need to add a drop of mercury to make the color of the gas brighter. Red neon gas does not need this additive.
The further steps to complete the production of the neon sign are as follows:

  • Connecting the electrodes to the system;
  • The removal of air and gas injection;
  • Sealing off the open electrode through which the gas was injected;
  • Painting the back of the sign in a dark contrasting color;
  • Lighting up the sign under high voltage for 30-40 minutes to dry the paint and distribute the evaporation of mercury.

When all these moments are over, the craftsmen mount the sign to the backing. It can be dense and black or made of transparent plexiglass. The last step is to connect the wires to a neon transformer, which converts a standard current into a high voltage current (3–15 volts) necessary for the proper function of the custom neon sign.

The best uses for a custom neon sign

Over the years, custom neon signage has proven to be an effective tool for business and marketing. Later, neon lights became essential accessories for entertainment and festive events, including parties and weddings. Today, designers also consider them as a fashionable interior solution and even a special art form. Let's find out where neon signs are popular in 2022.

Storefronts and businesses

Office facades and shop windows are the major places where the benefits of neon signs become so obvious. The increasing attention of the audience is important for any business, and these glowing signs can provide it in full scale, starting with their role as a marketing tool and ending with a classy exterior accent.
If we talk about these advantages in a more simple way, then neon designs help to:

  1. Make the impression of visiting your business positive for the client.
  2. Attract more customers and increase your profit.
  3. Define your business and indicate its specifics to potential partners.
  4. Develop the corporate image and prestige of the brand and return the investments.

Planning of events

A custom neon sign is an extremely successful move for event planners as well. The designs are appropriate both for private noisy parties and weddings and corporate events. Bright and catchy elements evoke positive feelings of celebration, fun, and dizzying adventures. And this is a good reason to use them!
Another unconditional benefit of the neon sign is the possibility of defining the theme of the party, which is especially important for those whose events are held on a grand scale. The vibrant design will come in handy when decorating the stage, clarifying the entrance to the hall, or delineating zones at some grandiose events involving tens or hundreds of guests. Versatility and ease of use turn them into desirable design elements, and a variety of solutions makes it easy to find a design and color that matches your event.

Luminous and mood-making decor for interior spaces

Neon signs have become a prominent part of interior design over the past few years. This is a retro vibe that attracts many fans of neon lighting, but nostalgia is not all that it can offer you.
The lockdowns of the past two years have forced people to stay at home for a long time, and the need for bright colors has grown. Custom neon signs coped with the task in the most brilliant way! Their flickering lights and soft, intriguing lighting awakened associations with nightclubs, restaurants, cafes, and favorite coffee shops and made it possible to enjoy these sensations without leaving your house or apartment. Even ordinary gatherings in a friendly company have a special message if they take place in the living room, where the wall is decorated with a neon lamp.
In interior design, aesthetics go hand in hand with functionality, but even here, these solutions work one hundred percent! If you are looking for a trendy and practical night light for a bedroom or a kid's room, you just need to make a couple of clicks to order a custom neon sign. Its shape and glow are up to you. Besides, classy flexible designs allow you to change their outlines as you like. Whether it's a cactus, a cloud, a flamingo, a rainbow, or all, in turn, any experiment will give you pleasure!

Special occasions and gifts

All of us want to make occasional events and holidays memorable, and a custom neon sign is the easiest way to do this. A glowing inscription, date, quote, or image on the wall will give the moment a special solemnity and brightness, regardless of whether you are making a birthday surprise or proposing to someone. Besides, you can present someone that you like with such a glowing inscription and it will remain a precious souvenir for him or her.
Should we talk about the mood that neon signs create on any holiday? Weddings, baby showers, hen parties, and anniversaries are still touching. However, if they are decorated with bright and soft neon light, the warm memories will last for years.

9 reasons to invest in neon signs

If you are thinking about the rational and effective use of the advertising budget, we would still advise you to pay enough attention to colorful electronic neon boards. The experts have repeatedly confirmed their power as an effective marketing tool at a relatively low cost.
Indeed, the affordability of custom neon signs is one of the indisputable arguments that encourages many to invest advertising funds in them. If you need to draw the attention of your audience and business partners, form a definite and clear image of the company, or position its products, neon light is already here to accomplish these tasks!
So, let's talk about all the benefits of custom neon signs for your business in more detail. Perhaps some of them will be a discovery for you and a good reason to go ahead.

The variety of design options

Up-to-date technologies open up boundless possibilities, so it would be too strange to ignore them for custom neon signs. Today, the production of neon lighting is developing, and entrepreneurs can choose any shapes, sizes, colors, fonts, and graphics. Are you looking for animated signage with consecutive flashes for the illusion of movement? Everything is more than possible. In addition, you can consult with the company's designer if you don't know exactly how to choose your custom neon sign.


When you take a closer look at neon signs, ordinary boards will seem too flat and boring to you. This is quite natural since the expressiveness of neon light solutions is difficult to dispute. These signs imply a three-dimensional design and a constant bright glow, and this is what makes them still visible against the background of other statements.

Energy efficiency

Cost-effectiveness is another plus of such lamps. A neon sign consumes 50% less energy than a fluorescent lamp and makes your spending optimized and reasonable.

High visibility and a colorful view

We have already mentioned this many times, but we are ready to repeat it again. Indeed, a custom neon sign is the best way to draw attention to your business and not get lost in the crowd of competitors, even if they are located in the same building. Besides, if you are just a newbie and you need to state your business, the neon glow of your logo will become a powerful and colorful message.
The opportunity to see your sign from afar is also a strong argument. This works if your office, shop, or restaurant is located on a noisy and crowded street, and it may be difficult for the customers to find you. By facilitating their visit, you show your loyalty and interest, which plays into your hands.


You can adapt custom neon signs to any needs and specifics of your business. By choosing the size, font, color, and location according to your goals, you can attract the audience that you need.
A variety of solutions for neon lights are also good for interior design. If you are going to invest in the sale and production of home decor, keep in mind that custom interior lighting makes sense. Today, these accessories are more in demand than ever by both retro fans and hot trend amateurs, and this promises you a good profit.

Nighttime functionality

Neon signs can glow around the clock. Let's leave aside the high visibility; we have already talked about it. Just think how much you will save on lighting your showcase or facade in the evening or at night! You won't need flashlights or spots if you have a custom neon light—efficient and economical.

Easy setup

The installation of a custom neon sign will not take much time and effort. Specialists will cope with this task within a couple of hours. Also, you do not need to look for a standard power supply, which is typical for connecting other illuminated signage. The power sources and voltages for neon lights can be different.

Safety of use

The safety level of neon lamps is much higher compared to other light sources. First of all, it is not subject to heat and remains cool. This means that nobody does get burned if they need to move or replace the sign.
In addition, custom neon lights are insensitive to power surges and unexpected outages. This is relevant for doing business in areas with high storm activity and unstable electricity.

Long life

Durability is another key benefit of neon signs for your business. The long lifespan of more than 10 years makes them economical and reduces your costs. You will not need to take employees away from work if some parts of the sign suddenly fail, because this is excluded, especially when the sign is new.

3 questions and 7 important steps to choosing the wonderful neon sign

So, you realized your need for a neon sign and concluded that this is what you lack for your interior or business. It's time to get to the most important thing; we mean, the design of the board.
If you are a new player in this field, you may feel tempted to buy a ready-made signboard that is closest to your needs and intentions. Drop the fears if you need a unique statement. We are ready to tell you about the secrets of choosing the perfect neon board. The first thing you need to do is to answer a few important questions:

  1. What is your purpose in buying a neon sign?
  2. How should a neon sign match the interior of your apartment or fit into the corporate image of the company?
  3. Where are you going to place it?

A little more courage and creativity are the best help in designing a custom neon sign. Have fun searching, consult with the designer, and try to visualize new ideas to get something exclusive and outspeaking.

Determine the goal of your neon sign

Perhaps you want to give someone a gift, decorate your room, or promote your business. Decide what the main purpose is. The answer to this question becomes the starting point for creating your custom neon board.

Define your message

You can integrate any element into your signboard, including the company name, logo, symbol, quote, or an elegant outline. However, consider that your neon board should be concise and capacious, otherwise, the viewers will get visual overload and discomfort.

Choose the appropriate font

The size, pattern, and slope of the font letters can tell a lot about your company. For example, light and ornate italics are appropriate for a beauty salon or a coffee shop; large and solid letters are for a respectable company; Gothic ones are for a nightclub or a tattoo workshop. However, these are just a few examples, and the variety of fonts will take your breath away. Moreover, any of these can be implemented on your neon board!

Choose your size

Every time you are planning to buy a custom neon sign, determine its size. We work with any dimensions, including small and compact designs, as well as large-scale ones. However, you should not act spontaneously and choose any random size. You are to focus on the environment, the dimensions of the building, and neighboring signs.
We recommend taking background measurements before ordering a neon design. Moreover, if it is possible to visualize your idea, never give up this chance. First and foremost, a sign must be proportionate and relevant to the location where it will be installed.

Think about graphics or images

Embedding an image or graphics into a neon sign conveys a powerful personal message and is a tribute to the concept of your business. It's up to you whether they are simple patterns or shapes or something complex and provocative. The possibilities of producing neon boards do not limit the flight of your imagination.

Pick your perfect colors

This is exactly the color that a person reacts to first, so be prepared for a careful selection of the palette. The size of the room or facade, the style of the interior, the architecture of the building, and the features of your corporate design play a key role.
Some believe that the brighter the sign is, the more effective it works. However, that would be too straightforward. Think about the concept and goals of your business that you want to convey to customers, and back it all up with an appropriate color code.

Consider your budget

Buying neon signs is an effective advertising investment, but you have to be reasonable. Calculate the expenses that you can afford for this glow and try to keep within the limits when ordering designs.

Frequently asked questions about custom neon signs

Does neon light make any noise?
Absolutely not. They do not contain any sources of sound, and this makes them a perfect solution for both facades and rooms.
How long neon signs may last?
The frequency of use and compliance with the rules of care are the key factors for the lifespan of a neon lamp. The typical period of operation for them lies between 8 and 15 years, although some designs can last even longer.
Are neon signs rechargeable?
They are. If you have purchased a neon sign, you are to pay attention to recharging and basic maintenance to make it last longer.
Why can a sign stop work?
Shorted wires, low voltage, broken wires, and defects in a tube are the most common causes. Also, when you have several neon lamps connected in series, the entire set will not work if at least one of them is broken.
How to clean a neon board?
To keep your neon sign neat and tidy, consider the following recs:

  1. Disconnect the board from the power supply carefully.
  2. Wipe the dust as thoroughly as you can.
  3. Use all the cleaning options allowed for your type of neon board.

Do neon signs work in cold weather?
Neon signs are subdued if it gets cold enough. However, this is uncritical for anything but the light intensity. Do not worry if you see that the tubes have become dim or pink. Their usual vibrance will come back when the air temperature rises.

It’s time to glow! be creative and unique with custom neon signs 

You have a lot to think about when you start ordering or designing a custom neon sign for your exterior or interior space. However, you will hardly regret the time spent working on them! Neon ad boards are always a focal point and remain one of the key decorative elements of any trendy place.